日下暁人准教授、高倉理助教授、寺崎友規さん、杉山純菜さん、佐々木大地さん、三木裕太さんが CMB B-mode – NEXT で口頭発表およびポスター発表を行いました。

投稿者: | 2025年1月30日

拠点形成事業とCMB-Inflate programが共同で、CMBに関する研究会である“CMB B-mode – NEXT” を開催しました。

Presenter/Author: Akito Kusaka
Title: “Observing the First Light in the Universe, from the Earth and from the Sky” (Invited, Oral)

Presenter/Author: Satoru Takakura
Title: “Half-Wave Plate Pros & Cons (from analysis point of view)” (Oral)

Presenter/Author: Junna Sugiyama
Title: “The Simons Observatory Overview” (Oral)

Presenter/Author: Tomoki Terasaki
Title: “The Simons Observatory Analysis of Small Aperture Telescopes” (Oral)

Presenter/Author: Daichi Sasaki
Title: “Half-Wave Plate of Simons Observatory SAT” (Oral)

Presenter/Author: Yuta Miki
Title: “Investigation of lens mount issue for Small Aperture Telescopes of Simons Observatory” (Poster)

CMB B-mode – NEXT (https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34780/)
拠点形成事業 (https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-c2c/index.html)
CMB-Inflate program (https://sites.google.com/view/cmb-inflate/home)